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AUF: Ben Oehler: Posts

Ben Oehler

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Ben Oehler
News from the AUF -> Teachers must think internet-first
by Ben Oehler - Wednesday, 22 June 2011, 09:34 PM
Giving everyone digital skills is a key factor in tackling long-term unemployment, argues Martha Lane Fox.

Digital skills are now vital for education and employment: we know that you're 25% more likely to get work when you have web skills, and, once in that job, you'll earn 10% more. Unison, the biggest public sector union, has just conducted a skills survey of some of its 1.3 million members. Almost half of middle-aged, low-paid women (cleaners, catering staff, carers) argued that lack of digital savvy was their most serious skills gap. Our figures show that 4 million of the 8.7 million UK adults who have never used the internet are from our hardest-to-reach groups.

Source: Guardian UK June 20, 2011


Ben Oehler
News from the AUF -> making steps to West-European marketing strategy
by Ben Oehler - Tuesday, 21 June 2011, 06:31 AM
At the moment I spend time together with our West-European staff at
the AUF German office near Coburg. For the next month there is planned 
a strategy to make known the AUF to potential students in West-European 


Ben Oehler
News from the AUF -> HD 07 USS ready for use...
by Ben Oehler - Sunday, 19 June 2011, 05:10 PM
The course HD 07 "University Study Skills" with fifteen modules is now published in English and ready
for online use. The Russian version will be published soon.


Ben Oehler
News from the AUF -> message platform -> Upload documents/files to your courses
by Ben Oehler - Sunday, 19 June 2011, 06:34 AM
Here is a detailed explanation: Moodle University Bath.

Ben Oehler
News from the AUF -> regional representatives
by Ben Oehler - Saturday, 18 June 2011, 09:48 PM
Our regional representatives for Western Europe and the Middle East can now be contacted on our AUF/moodle platform.
Feel free to contact them!

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